WarBro.org | Archives | 2013 | June

Archives for June2013

Adopt A Highway

Being in our MC means more than just tooling around on your scooter with your Bro’s.  We perform a multitude of civic actions around the community. One of those is the VDOT Adopt A Highway program. We have a section of highway that we help clean up and we are not required to wear county issued jumpsuits when we do it.


IMG_0506 IMG_0503 viva trash 1

Nuff Said

WBMC_hognuff said

NoVA traffic

GIMP hooded Skull Harley WIP

I want to spend a few minutes to talk about NoVA highway system. The first thing is to stay off highway 95 as much as possible.  This is the major North/South highway that runs through Virginia. Like a lot of people, I live in a bedroom community of DC and spend at least an hour and a half one way to get to work. I ride my scooter to work a lot and if the humidity is high and you’re caught in traffic, heat exhaustion is just around the corner.  We can’t lane split here in Virginia, and the cages would probably move over just to put you in a pinch anyways. NoVA has some of the worse drivers in cages that I have ever seen. Why Virginia won’t let you travel no more than 30 MPH in the emergency lane on an air cooled bike, is beyond me.

Here I am waving hello to a few of my friends that want to share the road with me. And wearing fingerless gloves does help provide a good contrast so all can see me waving.




Our Colors


A good place to start is explaining what our colors are all about. The unique thing about our colors compared to other three piece MCs’ is that the center patch may be different on four or five brothers. Our center patch is representative of what campaign you were sent into harm’s way. If you served in more than one campaign, you get to choose what campaign ribbon is going to be your center patch.

The Top Rocker identifies us as members of the Warrior Class.

It signifies our adherence to the Warrior Code of loyalty, courage,

veracity, compassion, and honor as important above all else.

 We wear the image of our campaign ribbons, flanked on top by

the country or operation of combat and on the bottom by our

branch of service, as the centerpiece of our colors.

The Bottom Rocker identifies the Brotherhood we share with

each other, and our brothers in arms who continue to serve

today, as the foundation for the Warrior Brotherhood MC.

The Blue lettering signifies Loyalty, Compassion, and Honor.

The background color harkens to the combat uniform of the Warrior.

The Red field of the MC cube signifies Courage, Veracity, and, the

Sacrifices of Combat and Service.



goat 002


L to R (foreground) Viva and Goat

The Journey Begins


foxFrom L to R State P. Viva, Brother Fox, Chapter VP Strap



myaamiaMyaamia receiving his cut



SpartanspartanSpartan with State P.


Goats Thoughts


Welcome to my blog. I am the vice president of the Warrior Brotherhood Veterans Motorcycle Club (WBMC) Chapter – A, here in Northern Virginia and my rode name is Goat. To start with, I served as a United States Marine for 21 years as a grunt. After I left the Marine Corps, I found that I missed the “esprit de corps” that I was fortunate enough to experience during my tour on active duty. I found it with the WBMC. My Brothers within this MC has experience like things that I have seen or endured. I think like most people who have blogs, I am going to post events that have occurred in the past until I get caught up. Then I will start posting as events happen. Again welcome.



Strap Butcher and Buddy

strap butcherFrom left to right, Strap, Butcher and Buddy