Patch In

Red Bull

Red Bull is our latest Chapter Brother. He has spent several years as a hang around and supporting us at the Armed Forces Retirement Home in DC along with other events like our cookouts and fundraisers. He doesn’t mind scraping handle bars while the pack is going down some pumpkin country road at 60 MPH an hour in a 35MPH zone two abreast. He keeps a tight formation, he is all about “Vets Helping Vets” and I am proud to call him my Brother.Image Today, 2_48_35 PM


goat 002


L to R (foreground) Viva and Goat

The Journey Begins


foxFrom L to R State P. Viva, Brother Fox, Chapter VP Strap



myaamiaMyaamia receiving his cut



SpartanspartanSpartan with State P.


Strap Butcher and Buddy

strap butcherFrom left to right, Strap, Butcher and Buddy



2012-04-28_14-06-35_796Clutch’s Patch In


Serpico’s Patch in


Serpico’s Patch in